Call / Text (336) 663-2882

Did you know?? 

Feedback manikin devices are now required for valid certification!

CPR instructors must use manikins that provide audible or visual feedback for both compression rate and depth. Our manikins have both! CPR Innovation uses professional feedback manikins exclusively, to ensure compliance with these recently updated guidelines.

Why should your team certify together?

Team certification helps to ensure that your entire group maintains active status. It also guarantees that a consistent message is delivered to everyone. Group training provides an opportunity for your team to assign emergency rolls and practice working together, in a critical situation, before an emergency occurs. Team certification also limits employee absence, for individual certification.

CPR Training at Your Location

We bring CPR classes to your business location! This makes certification/re-certification, as convenient as possible for your team.

Our flexible scheduling allows you to choose a date and time that is most convenient.